How to Steps to Make a Similar Plate: Take a metal plate File of the edges Spray painted it Put into acid Let drops of acid set on the top Covered it in asphalt Draw the design up then traced it onto the plate Use a needle and etch design into the asphalt Put it back in the acid Wash it with kerosene Print it once but if not dark enough Re asphalt it Varnish the edges Re etch Back in the acid Spray paint Acid Kerosene Ink Repeat Steps as Necessary Then finally got the desired print
Upon enrolling in art school, I was determined to receive a degree in three-dimensional work. I considered a career in artist jewelry. However, as I began fulfilling my other course requirements, I found another field that peaked my interest. I have always enjoyed capturing aspects of my life through photography. At the time, I did not consider what I was doing as art. I began to recognize my camera as a tool for capturing beauty in the world. I found this new way of seeing the world came natural to me and that it was something I really enjoyed. I wanted to document the splendor of everyday objects, things that others just usually look past. An example of this would be a decaying building. Most would look past. I am interested in the history and how it came to be so. With this goal in mind, I began to observe the world in a different manner. I try to look for the story in the object and showing it as beautiful rather than decrepit. I am beginning to see scenes in my daily life that would look intriguing through the lens. My work concentrates on the use of line, shapes, highlights and shadows. This creates meaning in what is seemingly insignificant. Currently, I am really focusing on developing my technical skills and learning how I can best utilize the camera.